

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous -- sunny and 70° -- so we headed out to the park for the afternoon. We've taken Fiona to the playground before on days where the temperature hit 40 and we wanted to give her a little time on the swings (click here to check out Fiona on a swingset in San Diego), but this was the first time we've gone since she learned to walk, and, this being New York, the first time we'd been able to go in nice weather.

The place was packed and there were lines for most of the favorites (including the swings). Fiona got to check out one of the jungle gyms (mainly standing while holding on to some bars while Mommy sat on the platform with her) and a slide (which involved Mommy or Daddy helping lower her down the slide) and, of course, the swings. She was particularly interested in a toy whale that has a little slide on it. Mommy and Daddy were particularly interested to discover that there are actually other parents with children the same age who live near the park. Where were these people when she was three months old, and were they wondering the same thing about us?

The outing ended once Fiona started becoming too curious about a bike and a sweater resting on a stroller that didn't belong to her. She's definitely seen things before that she wasn't supposed to play with ("leave Mommy's coffee mug alone"), but this was probably the first time she saw toys that were off limits, and she didn't like the experience one bit. I guess I'll need to pull out some economics textbooks to explain how the concept of private property has developed over the past several hundred years. By 15 months a child ought to be ready for Adam Smith and Karl Marx, right?


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