
I am he as you are he as you are me...

Fiona has figured out who all the regular visitors in her family are. Whenever she's with people she knows, she likes to go around the table pointing them out ("Nonny!" "Mommy!" "Pop!" "Daddy!"). The one name she won't give us, however, is her own. Granted it's three syllables long, but it's mostly vowels, she can make the "F" sound (see "frog", below), and she can say a few three syllable words ("elephant" primarily). But every time we ask, she starts pointing at other people ("Nonny!" "Mommy!" "Pop!" "Daddy!")

Over the weekend, we were looking at pictures on our china cabinet. Here's how the dialogue went:

Me: Who's that?
Fiona: Gramma!
Me: Who's next to Grandma?
Fiona: Gappa!
Me: (taking another photo) Who's that?
Fiona: Mommy!
Me: And that?
Fiona: Daddy!
Me: Who's the baby?
Me: That's you! Fiona. Fiona.
Me: Who's that?
Fiona: Gigi!
Me: And what about this one?
Fiona: Nonni! Pop!
Me: (going back to the Fiona photo) And who's this?
Fiona: (thinking, then pointing to herself with a big smile) You!

I know figuring out who is "you" and who is "me" is a tricky concept for young children, but I'd prefer to think we have a child with a budding sense of Buddhist philosophy. We are all one, right?


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