
She's a Comedy Star

Fiona's started figuring out how to make up her own jokes. Granted, it's nothing that's going to get her her own HBO standup special any time soon, but...

Her new favorite game, which started over Christmas weekend, is to have us ask her questions with the wrong answer. For example, we'll ask where Papa is and then point to Mommy and ask "is that Papa?" To which Fiona replies, with an exagerrated shake of the head and drawn out voice, "noooooo." We continue pointing to other people and objects in the room so that Fiona can keep replying "noooooo." She always seems a little disappointed when we point to the correct person and the game ends.

By yesterday she was doing the setup herself. So she'd point to me and say "is Mommy?" And then instantly reply "nooooooo."

One of her Christmas gifts from Grandma and Papa was a counting toy (counting being another popular theme for a two-year old's Christmas gifts) with stacked shapes in various colors--for example, for the number 5 she had 5 blue pentagons, for the number 4 she had 4 red squares, etc. The poles that the shapes go over are color coded to help out (the game also works well for color identification, which Fiona has been mastering lately--even though she hasn't figured out the word "color". You can ask her to point to blue, and she'll do it, but if you ask her what color a blue object is she just looks at you with a confused face).

Anyway, after playing a little bit at putting shapes on their correct pole, Fiona soon discovered that she could put the shapes on the wrong pole too. She thought it was hysterical to see a red shape where the yellow one should go, and played with the toy that way for a while.

Like I say, it ain't quite Eddie Izzard. But it's fun to see Fiona figure out how to do something designed to get a laugh.


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