
Cognitive Leaps

Amazing how those baby germs work: Fiona gets a cold for two days and charges full steam around the apartment the whole time she's coughing; I come down with the same thing a week later and am knocked out of commission and then have to get medicated by my doctor when the cough doesn't go away after two weeks. Good times, and it explains why this blog hasn't been high on my priority list.

But that doesn't mean Fiona hasn't kept right on growing. Over Thanksgiving weekend, when she wasn't having her toys swiped by her second cousin Ella (which seemed to be Ella's primary activity outside of running full speed laps around the house), Fiona figured out how to clap her hands.

Clapping followed the wave good-bye, which Fiona has figured out albeit with an FCC-approved 90 second delay. People wave at Fiona, she smiles, and then about 90 seconds later she waves back. Usually the person who waved has moved on to another room or state by the time Fiona gets around to waving, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

Fiona has also started really responding to books. We've been reading to her at bedtime since she was two or three months old--basically just to get everybody in the habit of reading books, since Fiona barely acknowledged either the pictures or sounds we made as we read. But in the past month or so she's started grabbing her books off of the table we keep them on in the living room and handing them to us to be read. One of the books ends with a game of peekaboo, which Fiona now plays along with by holding her hand up to her eyes (her eyes don't always wind up covered, but we're in the right ballpark).

Finally, Fiona has started trying to dress herself, in a way. When she finds a sock on the floor she holds it against her foot; when she finds a hat, she holds it against her head. The clothes don't stay, but given that we can remember very well having a three week old baby who couldn't do much of anything except for cry, eat and poop, we're happy to watch all those neurons begin to make the right connections.

We're off to buy a Christmas tree, so I'm sure I'll have more soon as Fiona responds to the lights and ornaments.


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