
One Year Old

We've had a hectic week involving a rapid evacuation of our home due to wood stain fumes emanating from the downstairs apartment making our place uninhabitable. Fortunately, Grandma & Grandpa in Connecticut stepped in to host us for a couple of days.

Fiona had her first birthday last week, and we celebrated with a party on Saturday. We'll get pictures on the website soon, but in the mean time you can see some photos here from the big event.

Doting (grand)parent anecdote to describe how smart Fiona is. Grandma & Granpda gave Fiona a pushcart walker (i.e. not one of those saucer things that kids in prior generations used to careen down the stairs in). Fiona took to it immediately, though not without some frustration. As Grandpa put it:

I did get a kick out of it on Saturday when the second time she approached the gate you have across the hall to the kitchen,she started screaming even before she reached the gate. One time had taught her what would

Fiona hasn't learned how to turn the walker yet, but she's at least gotten over the fact that she can't push it in a straight line forever.

Now if we could figure out how to keep the audio of the insipid refugee-from-Barney from playing every time the walker gets pushed forward, we'd be happy. Particularly aggravating is the fact that by pushing a button you can get a jazzy trumpet riff, but as soon as the wheels start spinning the saccharine "walk along, walk along!" mantra kicks in. The funny thing is, Fiona seems to feel the same way; she frequently kneels over to push the jazz button while she's trying to push the walker. This, at least, bodes well.


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