
That Baby Loves to Get Clean

Fiona usually hits a wall between 6 and 6:30 every evening. She's been running around all day, she may not have napped since noon, and all she wants is to be held and drink her evening milk. But there's one way we can still get her to spring into action: ask her if she wants a bath.

As soon as we ask, Fiona shouts out "bath!" and jumps down off the couch and runs to the bathroom door. We have to race to pull out the infant tub and set everything up for bathtime.

Fiona's main interest in bathing, actually, isn't bathing. It's the chance to splash water. She's splashed half the water out of her tub (fortunately it sits inside the larger tub, so we're not causing any water damage to the floors) and let the water temperature plunge to cool and she'd still happily stay in the tub to splash out the rest. It'll be interesting to see how she responds when we get her back in the pool on our next trip to San Diego.


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