
Word Games

There are some words that Fiona knows but refuses to say. The big one is, of course, "yes". We like to play a game with her where we ask her if she can say "yes." Fiona smiles and says "no." We play faster and faster, saying the word "yes" as much as we can while she says "no" in reply.

It's basically the only time the word "no" strikes us as cute.

The other word that Fiona knows but will not say is "Grandpa." She calls both her paternal grandparents "Grandma." We joke that Fiona has a very progressive family, to have two grandmas from that generation.

If we ask Fiona to point to Grandma, she always points to her Grandma. If we ask her to point to Grandpa, she also indicates the correct grandparent. But if we point to Grandpa and ask who that is, she says "Grandma!" (or "Gamma").

It's pretty clear that she's playing a game that she knows gets a rise out of people. When we got back from the Berkshires last night we played a game with her at dinner asking her what her favorite part of the trip was. Was it the trees? ("Trees!") The flowers? ("Flower!") Was it playing with Grandma? ("Gamma!") Was it playing with Grandpa? ("Gamma!" followed by a big smile)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're going to have a blog, you have to update it more frequently, yo.

12:40 PM  

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