
Word Play

Now that Fiona has a full vocabulary, she's started playing around with words to see what happens. A few nights ago at dinner she tried putting as many words with "couch" as she could, just to see what would happen. And so we had mommy couch, Buddy couch, table couch, door couch, lamp couch, etc.

She's also started using 4-5 word sentences (or even six, in the case of "I see you in the morning") and correctly using the pronoun "it" (yesterday while looking for her juice cup she said "I don't see it").

Of course, sometimes she still likes to ask us questions she knows the answer to; for example, she'll hold up her spoon and ask "what's that?" Our default answer has become "it's Molly"--based on the way we read The Useful Moose, a book she got for Christmas from her Papa and Grandma. The main character is named Molly, and on each page we ask Fiona where Molly is she likes to point to everything on the page except for Molly. We then ask "that's Molly?" and Fiona smiles and tries to hold in her giggling until she finally admits, with an exagerrated "nooooooo", that she is not, in fact, pointing to Molly. So when she holds up a spoon and asks "what's that," we tell her "it's Molly," and Fiona replies "nooooo, it's a spoon!"


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