
Walking vs. the Stroller

Wednesday morning, the heavens open and a steady deluge pours forth throughout the day.

Fiona walks every step of the way from our house to day care, making sure to jump in every puddle (which in toddler-ese is called a "cuddle") along the way, requiring a change of clothes once she gets to day care.

Thursday morning, the skies are dry but overcast, and many cuddles still fill the sidewalks.

Fiona walks about half of the day care route, only taking to the stroller under duress when Daddy insists he has to put her there to be on time for work.

Friday morning, blue skies return with gorgeous sun beating down on the pavement.

Fiona walks half a block and asks to ride in the stroller. When Daddy asks if she wants to walk the final block to day care, she quickly replies "no."


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