
Not Quite Ready for Math

For Christmas Fiona got a book from her Papa and Grandma about opposites. It's a lift-the-flap book that changes a picture that had showed day into one showing night, big into small, near to far -- you get the basic idea, I'm sure.

One of the pages shows the equation "2+2=4" to demonstrate "addition". When you lift the flap, the "+" sign turns into part of the number 4 in the equation "4-2=2" to demonstrate "subtraction."

"What's that?" Fiona asked her mother as they read the book one night.

So Andrea explained that addition is when you make more of something, so that if she held up two fingers and then added two more, she would have four. But if you take something away, like if you hold up four fingers but take two away, then that would be subtraction.

Fiona stared blankly, and the book continued.

The next night Fiona chose the book again for bedtime. She went through the book, pointing out day and night, black and white, etc. And then they reached the page with "2+2=4". Fiona wasted no time:

"I want to skip this page," she announced.


Blogger Kathy said...

There's still hope. Kids don't learn subtraction until some time in elementary school :)

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiona Knows All About Time-Out
So Mom and Dad have definitely been impressing Fiona with the "Power or Time-Out." When they visted this Christmas we had a wonderful time playing with our exceptionally bright and well-behaved grandchild! One day, Pop had a small plastic toy of Marvin the Martian that had a little projectile that it shot…while Nonna and Fiona were playing together, Pop was teasing Nonna and shot it toward her…since Fiona was there, Nonna told him that it was dangerous and he was naughty—meanwhile Fiona is watching all this take place--wide-eyed. A little while later Pop was upstairs doing something and Fiona asked where he was and Nonna told her Pop was in “timeout” and said it loud enough so he knew what was going on. Fiona went upstairs and and said, "Pop, do you know why you are in time-out?" Pop responded, "yes--I shot the stick at Nonna." Fiona tells him "now you have to go downstairs and tell Nonna that your sorry and you won’t do it again." Then she accompanied him while he apologized and then I guess she released him from timeout!!

6:43 PM  

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