
Floridian Allergies

Apparently Tampa has a whole different breed of pollen from New York, because Fiona's getting hit hard right now. Coupled with a persistent ear infection (the persistence being a side effect of the allergies) that has us on our third round of antibiotics in the past month and a fever that kicked into place on Friday night and we've got a five year old on quite the pharmaceutical cocktail at the moment. I had to make a chart of everything she's supposed to get over the course of the day and when so we wouldn't mess up any of the dosages.

The good news is that, even with the low grade fever, she's still got her personality and most of her energy. We tried to keep her home from school on Thursday (that was before the fever kicked in) but she insisted on going; she's figured out that playing with her friends is more fun than entertaining herself while I work. Plus, it was Dr. Seuss week at school which meant different outfits to show off every day (Monday was silly hats, Tuesday was silly socks, Wednesday was polka dot shirts, etc.).

We'll keep her home tomorrow and until the fever kicks, at which point she'll be desperate enough to get back to school that I should at least get one morning where she's easy to motivate.

OK, off to give 7.5ml of Tylenol to the lil' 'un...


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