
Musical Jedi

Fiona's bath towel has a hood on it for drying her (ever-increasing) hair. When she has the hood on and is wrapped tightly in the towel after her bath, she looks a little like she's wearing a Jedi robe and cowl. Sometimes we hum a few bars of the Star Wars music--not the main theme, but theā€¦ well, I don't know what John Williams calls it. The Jedi theme, perhaps (it's what plays when Yoda levitates Luke's ship at Dagobah in Empire).

Anyway, as you might have heard somewhere, the final Star Wars movie is opening this week; I think you might be able to find it at your more obscure art theaters. So with space epics on the mind, I hummed the usual Jedi theme as I dried Fiona last night (and she screamed and cried because she doesn't think bathtime should ever have to end). Andrea and I then segued into the main Star Wars theme -- da da da dum DUM da da da DUM dum. Fiona smiled and laughed at the silly, overblown martial music.

And then she started to try to sing along. The "D" sound is an easy one for her to make, and she enjoys modulating her pitch where the music suddenly jumps up a fourth. I tried it with her again this morning, and she's definitely doing her best to echo her favorite part of the theme.

So for those of you who were wondering what her second song would be (after E-I-E-I-O), it appears our Padawan child has provided an answer.

CORRECTION: For those geeky enough to care, the theme we sing to her when she's wrapped in the towel is Obi Wan Kenobi's, not Yoda's.


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