
Dirty Sock Funtime Band Fun

On Saturday Fiona went to her first concert. The Dirty Sock Funtime Band--which is a sort of ska-influenced kids band (and hence something that Mom & Dad don't mind listening to) that's been on Jack's Big Music Show, one of Fiona's favorite shows on Noggin--played a benefit concert in Pelham for Education Through Music, Aunt Kathy's company. You know parenthood has rotted your brain when you get a flyer announcing a Dirty Sock Funtime Band concert and you drop everything you're doing to a) call your wife who starts shouting so excitedly that her co-workers figure she's just won the lottery and b) call the reservations line that just went up minutes earlier.

Anyway, we all trundled out to Pelham for the 1pm show. That's right about when Fiona normally takes a nap, and at first she was overwhelmed by the sights on stage. She'd never seen live music before, and the band was dressed very colorfully, plus they had a... I guess she's a cheerleader, named Annie who ran through the aisles and danced with all the kids. On the Jack's Big Music Show videos I'd always wondered what the point of Annie was, since she didn't sing or play an instrument, but watching the live show she seemed essential.

After 20 minutes or so Fiona decided she'd figured out what was going on and so she ventured into the aisle to do her own dancing. She stayed out there for about 10 minutes or so, getting pretty close to the stage, before she got overwhelmed by the throngs of kids. She was maybe a bit below the average age, only because the benefit concert was packaged in with a birthday for a five year-old, but there were plenty of kids younger than her (not even counting the younger baby siblings obviously packed along while the older brothers and sisters got to go dancing).

After that, Fiona retreated onto our laps for the remaining 20 minutes or so of the concert. When they did a "freeze dance" number that involved raising your hands in the air and then striking a pose Fiona did that in our laps, so she didn't totally shut down. At the same time, it was a lot of excitement, and it was her normal naptime, so she spent a lot of time sucking her thumb and cuddling close to us.

When the concert was open she met Mr. Clown (the guy in the pink hair, if you clicked on the band hyperlink above) and Annie and picked out a CD. We then went to Target to pick out a present with Gigi's birthday money and headed home for some quality downtime.

As we watched Fiona soaking in the concert early on, Andrea commented on how seriously she was watching, and I replied that I was sure she'd be imitating everything she saw when we got home. Sure enough, we spent yesterday playing freeze dance, doing the chicken dance, and imitating the band falling asleep after "rocking too hard" during one number. Fiona has decided she wants to be like Annie, because Annie's a girl like her, but that Mr. Clown and Mike are all right, too. And I think we're going to be taking her to a few more concerts now that she's got the bug.


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