
Beep Beep, Beep Beep

Some of you may remember that a few months ago Fiona learned her first Beatles song. Well, we have another one to add to her repertoire.

The other night before bed we were talking about cars and I started singing to her "Baby you can drive my car..."

Fiona instantly perked up. "What's that song?" she asked.

I should have remembered that Fiona loves any song with a pop hook and the word "baby" in it, which means I've been singing her a lot of Beach Boys, Beatles and 60's girl group songs (which probably weren't meant to be heard in a baritone, but what can you do?).

But "Drive My Car" has a second hook going for it -- the "beep beep, beep beep yeah" that follows the chorus. To a toddler, that's probably the finest line in the history of western pop.

Now Fiona loves going around saying "beep beep, beep beep yeah." That is, when she isn't trying to be contrary and singing "beep beep, beep beep no."

"Drive My Car" comes off of Rubber Soul, which means Fiona has already progressed from early to mid-Beatles. At this rate we'll be on to the White Album and George's Indian explorations and John and Yoko by summer.


Blogger Squelch said...

"probably weren't meant to be sung in a baritone..."

Bite your tongue! You know how long I've been trying to get my band to sing Come See About Me?

7:57 AM  

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