
Daredevil Gone Wrong

Well, it finally happened; Fiona fell off the couch while playing.

On Sunday night after her bath, the two of us were sitting on the couch, or, rather, I was sitting and Fiona was running along the cushions. I got up to help Andrea finish cleaning up under the table after dinner (ah, how I miss the days when I didn't have to clean under the table after dinner), and the next thing we knew we heard a loud bump and had a screaming baby on our hands.

Fiona fell off backwards and smacked her head against the bottom shelf of the coffee table. She had a small cut on the back of her scalp. After we cleaned the wound and consoled the baby, we spent a stressful few minutes reading What To Expect's guide to head injuries and trying to decide if we needed to call the doctor. Fiona didn't seem to be displaying any signs of a concussion (the injury was to the back of the head rather than to the side, she could focus clearly, and within a minute or two of finishing her crying she wanted to play on the couch again). We knew that if we called the doctor he'd tell us to take her to the ER, since he didn't want any liability on his hands. We decided to monitor her throughout the night.

We checked on her at 11 and roused her enough to make sure she was responsive. We meant to check on her a second time in the middle of the night, but both of us slept so hard that it wasn't until about 6:45 that we woke up--to the sounds of Fiona chattering with her stuffed animals.

So Fiona's fine, although she occasionally talks about her boo boo and points to the back of her head. I'm sure it won't be the last time she gets a little too adventurous and takes a fall; hopefully we won't have to face any damage more severe either.


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