
Dress Up

Here's a photo you won't be seeing on the web page (oh, who am I kidding, I'm hopelessly behind on getting any photos up on the web page):

Sunday night, Fiona decided she'd had enough dinner after about five minutes and headed off to play. Andrea and I continued eating and, in a moment of inexcusable parental oblivion, did not notice how quiet the apartment had become.

When we finished dinner and cleared the table back to the kitchen, we discovered Fiona in our bedroom. She had emptied one of the laundry baskets and had dressed herself in Andrea's clothes. "I'm Mommy!" she shouted, happily.

It was quite a look, and perhaps her boldest fashion choice was to wear three pairs of Andrea's dirty underwear as a necklace (that would be answer the "why you won't be seeing this on the web page" question).

Since last night we've banned access to the dirty laundry, to Fiona's chagrin (if chagrin isn't too mild a word to describe 150 decibel wailing). Andrea's given her a few old shirts to play with and this morning we didn't stop her from putting on our pajamas. We seem to have entered the dressing up in Mommy's (& occasionally Daddy's) clothes phase.


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