
Halloween Instructions

Fiona was completely oblivious for her first Halloween, and last year she was mainly confused when we threw a costume on her. But this year, she's ready.

After reading a book in which Corduroy and his friends wear various costumes to a Halloween party, Fiona announced she wanted to be a dinosaur. But that wasn't enough: she also announced that Mommy had to be a witch and that Daddy was going to be a blue monster. After a quick look confirmed that any blue monster-themed masks were going to be a little too scary to wear to a toddler-heavy Halloween party, I convinced her that I could just wear an eye patch and play pirate for the evening.

This evening Fiona's godmother Debbie came by for dinner and we all carved a jack-o-lantern (and Fiona learned the joys of roasted pumpkin seeds). After dinner, she announced that Debbie was going to be a puppy for Halloween.

Since it now seemed that Fiona was assigning costumes to all sorts of people, I decided to give her a little quiz. If you're on the following list, you've been given more than a week's warning to get your costume together, so I expect no excuses come October 31st.

Costumes Decreed by Fiona:

Fiona - a pink dinosaur (this is actually happening)
Mommy - a witch
Daddy - a pirate

Debbie - a puppy (here's where we hit people who probably aren't coming to the day care Halloween party)
Aunt Kathy - a purple dinosaur
Gigi - an orange dinosaur
Nana - a green dinosaur (noticing a theme yet?)
Pop - a pumpkin (OK, Nana and Pop - I want pictures of a dinosaur with a pumpkin in San Diego next week)
Grandma - a toe (yes, she said toe)
Papa - a stroller (hmm, forget the San Diego photo, I want to see the stroller and toe combo)
Tia - a block
Tio - a block
A.J. - a block (apparently those last three will make various shapes together)

A second go around confirmed all of the above, except for Aunt Kathy, who I guess now has a second option. So, Aunt Kathy, if you decide you don't want to be a purple dinosaur, you have Fiona's permission to be... a ceiling fan (preferably pink).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I was hoping to invite myself over to see Fiona's costume, but will she let me in if I'm in work clothes?

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never actually been asked to be a block. I've been referred to as a blockhead; i've been told I block progress, and and I had a blockage once (but that's another story!); I especially enjoy being the recipient of the occasional block grant, and I just figured out how to block spam (though apparently it didn't stop receipt of this Halloween request). I'm quite excited about the virtually limitless possibilities.
In short, I'M ON IT!--Tio

6:54 PM  

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