
Mysteries of the Universe

My child has three clocks in her room, but they're all analog and of interest primarily because they have pictures of princesses or Pooh bear. She can't tell time yet.

Even if she could tell time on an analog clock, the clocks don't light up in the dark.

Even if we had a digital clock in her room, she still doesn't understand what time means, and while she can read numbers she's apt to be a little dyslexic in the translation. That is, if she sees the number 23, sometimes she says it's twenty-three and sometimes she says it's thirty-two. She hasn't figured out yet about how to read base 10 numbers left to right in other words.

By rights, Fiona shouldn't have any idea what specific time it is at any given point in the day or night.

So how is it she's managed to climb into our bed at exactly 5:24 am on three successive mornings?


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