
Her Name

For months we've been trying to get Fiona to say her name. It wound up becoming a game. We'd ask her if she could say "Mommy" or "Daddy" or "Aunt Kathy" and she'd repeat each name. Then we'd ask if she could say "Fiona" and she'd smile and say "no." Or, if confronted with a photo she recognized, she'd point to her image and say "you!"

Recently while playing the Birthday Game, Fiona started singing her name with us during Happy Birthday. But she still wouldn't say it.

Well, she still won't say it if you ask her what her name is, or if she can say "Fiona." But when she recognizes herself in a photo she now says "it's Fiona!" Or, more accurately, "it's oh-na!"

Photos of Fiona from before her first birthday (more or less) are identified as "baby," since she doesn't seem to grasp that she was a baby very recently.


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