
Princess Phase

The Princess phase has begun. In the past few months, Fiona has definitely gotten interested in gender differentiation. She started by identifying the people she knows (and her favorite fictional characters) as either boys or girls. Next, she started pretending to be a mermaid during bathtime (this usually consisted of lying on her stomach and shouting out "Mommy, I'm a mermaid!").

Last month, one of the older girls at day care had a Princess Party for her birthday, and Fiona was fascinated by the Disney Princesses ring she got as a party favor (I had a feeling it would be harder to avoid Disney Princesses than it was to avoid Barney and Teletubbies). Since then, Fiona has started referring to her dresses as "princess dresses," especially when she twirls. And she started asking to wear dresses far more than she ever had before.

For Easter we gave her a toy tiara (she calls it her crown). She's been interested in wearing the dress we were saving for Easter for months; being a mercurial two-year old, she refused to wear any dress at all once the big day rolled around, instead going for a pink shirt with pink pants that reminded everybody of a bottle of pepto bismol. But dresses are definitely a good clothing buy right now... at least until she enters a tomboy phase.


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