
Everyday People

Fiona has learned a few things about days. She knows that there's something called the weekend, which is when she gets more time with Mommy and Daddy and doesn't have to go to day care. She knows that there's a day called "Saturday", which is part of the weekend. She's heard the names of the other days of the week, though she can't keep them straight or even remember most of the names.

She also knows that her best friend Camilla only goes to day care three days a week. Well, more accurately, she knows that Camilla doesn't go to day care every day. In fact, as she told me this morning:

"Camilla doesn't go to day care every day."

"That's right, she doesn't," I replied.

Fiona paused for a moment, and then asked a perfectly logical question:

"Is today everyday?"


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